Ad Choices

BBCLive TV Ad Choices

Welcome to BBCLive TV! This Ad Choices notice explains how we deliver personalized advertising and provides options for managing your preferences.

1. Personalized Advertising

1.1 BBCLive TV may use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about your interests and browsing behavior. This allows us to deliver relevant and personalized advertisements.

2. Your Ad Choices

2.1 You have the option to control your ad preferences:

  • Opt-Out of Personalized Ads: You can opt-out of personalized advertising by adjusting your cookie preferences through your browser settings.

  • Ad Choices Tool: You can use the Ad Choices tool provided by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) to manage your preferences across participating companies. Visit DAA Ad Choices for more information.

  • Mobile App Choices: For personalized ads in mobile apps, you can use the AppChoices tool provided by the DAA. Download the AppChoices app or visit AppChoices for details.

3. Third-Party Advertising

3.1 BBCLive TV may include advertisements from third-party networks and advertisers. These entities may use their own cookies and tracking technologies, and their practices are governed by their respective privacy policies.

4. Changes to Ad Choices

4.1 BBCLive TV reserves the right to update this Ad Choices notice. The effective date will indicate when the latest revisions were made.

5. Contact Us

5.1 If you have questions or concerns about our advertising practices, please contact us at

Thank you for choosing BBCLive TV. We value your privacy and are committed to providing transparency and control over your ad experience.